Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week 25

This week I keep finding myself in an interesting state of mind, thinking of something I never thought I'd think... I never want my baby to have to do without anything.  I always I thought I'd be a hard-core, drill-sergeant, rule-following parents who makes their child work their fingers to the bone for everything they had, just like my husband and I had to.  But this is not the case (at least this week).  I'm finding that I want him to have the best of everything, go to the very best schools, have the best opportunities, toys, friends, play on the best sports teams, eat the best food and be the brightest in school.  I mean, the elite, the most prestigious, the most glorious of things the world has to offer.

And so I've now realized, no one really thinks of these types of things until they're faced with the reality of becoming a parent, but once one does, and he/she has the means to give your children more than you ever had... you simply give it to them.

Now, I'm starting to understand those 16-year-old kids who get a brand new Range Rover for their birthday from daddy.  Daddy probably just didn't have a brand new Range Rover growing up and wanted to give more than he ever had to his kids.  And so I find myself in the same state of mind.  Now, I'd never give my kid a brand new car for his birthday, but my point is, I'm starting to understand how selfless and act being a parent is... not because it has to be, but because you want it to be.  It is a truly selfless act that simply transforms you... I mean, I assume.

So, as I sit here and type this, while my husband bangs out Katy Perry's "California Girls" on the piano (read: very interesting version of the song), I picture us becoming better versions of ourselves, as we strive to give the very best to our unborn son, and lots of "yes"es to follow us in our future.  Yes!  We have prepared for many years for our child's arrival, so that he will always have more opportunity than we did growing up.  Yes! He will have to work hard for what he gets.  Yes!  He will stand out from the crowd.  Yes!  He will be an inspiration to the world.  Yes!  He will be powerful and outrageous, just like his mommy and daddy.  Yes!  I will have a very hard time saying "no" to this little prince.

I sure hope I can find a fine balance between the yes's and no's.

Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to unconditional love young Grasshopper.. Btw.. He will help you say no when he turns 2.. You are beautiful pregnant!
