Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 26

Here is to Sea Salt and Cracked Pepper Kettle Chips!  Here's to Almond Butter!  Here's to Jelly Beans and any hard candy I can get my hands on!  Because in 12 weeks, it'll all be over.  I'll have deflated, my child on the outside of my body, and I'll go back to my salads, point counting, running, and wine.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I LOVE being pregnant.  So, yes!  I'll go ahead and enjoy the next 12 weeks of cravings and try not to be too hard on myself.

Here is week 26.  Cheers!

~Was that my abdominal wall pulling apart?~

~Now not able to see my feet~


  1. It won't be long now.... You'll soon forget and never miss life without your children..

  2. you look incredible! i can't wait to feel henny move again!

  3. I can not wait until your a Mother. I have known you for 14-15yrs and having children is the single most profound life changing experience in this world. Mela will def be spoiled rotten on Mother's Day. Mother's Day takes on a whole new meaning that only Mom's themselves can understand. Promise me you will write tho. Especially write the first week he is home when you are full of emotion and hormonal. Poetry!!!!!!!! I am certain if you do it will be published. I am going to push you to!! Ya look great and I hope you have him at 40wks so ya got 14 more to go! Hang in there and don't be too hard on yourself you are doing a great job!!
