Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Je Suis Le Vent

Today has been an awful day (PERIOD)

I want to scream and (continue to) cry.

The day started out gloomy, I knew it would- then it got worse... and it went beyond weather.  I went to the DMV and stood in line for 1.5 hours.  Still pretty speedy for a Los Angeles DMV and I was in surprisingly good company.  Usually I'm surrounded by God's choice pick of invalids, complete with scarlet fever or the flu (coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths), 5 illegal kids in tow, a potty mouth, and manners that would make even Anna Nicole Smith revolt.

However, this time, it wasn't all that bad.  After sitting in line long enough to realize I could have taken a long lunch break, taken the dogs on a walk and gotten some much needed work done, I was summoned to the window to be told I could not receive the stickers for my tag because my name was not on the title.  Yes, my amazingly thoughtful mother bought me the gift of a CNG car for Christmas two years ago.  In the process, she forgot to transfer my name on the title.  I stormed out, along with a few choice words.  WASTE OF FREGGIN' TIME.  And as my friend Edie says, I just don't have much luck at the DMV.  No, honey, you are correct!!  Not my favorite place.  It's a very confusing place.  Like being drunk, in a maze, at 4am, and no one there to help you through, with gross people all around.

I proceeded to go home and cram in a ton of work before packing myself and Emma back up in the car to go to the vet.  My soul sister has been having a little trouble with her back legs and I just knew something more was going on and she needed to be seen.  After my sweet girl did incredibly well on the x-ray table and was so cooperative (the x-ray tech kissed her paws while she was calming her down... I love my vet), she was gracefully returned to me.

The term "hip dyplasia" has always been this ominous term evoking visions of crippled Shepherds dragging their back legs and on the verge of death (which I guess sometimes happens) and it has always scared the crap out of me.   Having a German Shepherd, I guess I've always been on the lookout for the thing, knowing that it's genetic and very common.  I never wanted to believe that my baby girl could ever have anything wrong with her... ever.  Because she IS in fact my child (since I have no actual human children yet).  Well, bad news folks... Emma has hip dysplasia, and has had it since birth and it's just "showing up".  But my vet is incredible.  She's warm, loving, knows my dogs' names and knows her stuff.  Dr. Chang at the Animal Clinic of Encino is fantastic.  Their staff is great and Dr. Chang just has that special something about her that I dig.  She makes me feel comfortable to be there.

I won't go on much more, but the day ended with me reconnecting with some bad memories growing up.

Sometimes you just have to say "boo on this day", "a huge thumbs down", "FML", "this day can suck it" and then... move on.

My favorite Emerson quote, which I say everyday, goes like this (from memory):

"Finish each day and be done with it.  You have done what your could.  Some blunders and absurdities have crept in.  Forget them as soon as you can.  Tomorrow is a new day.  You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."-RWE  God bless you Sir!

In other words- screw this day, tomorrow MUST be better.  I think we've all felt this way on one day or another.

Here's to that!  Cheers with a big glass of wine and call it a day... one big, fat, crappy day!

1 comment:

  1. What a Day Girl! Do you have AAA? If you do, you can use them for some DMV errands... I would highly recommend that for you!! ;) I love your blog! And Cheers... I will toast a big glass of wine to saying goodbye to days like that!
