Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Goddess

I was watching this show on TV last night about these women artists who were expressing their inner goddesses like women were before Judea-Christian times.  Before man's ridiculous creation of religion muddied the water and the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths saw how women's power could basically bring down the staunch systems they wanted to enforce like government and democracy, women were seen as powerful goddesses who played drums (only women played drums).  These goddesses would travel around and bless communities with their "frame drum" and when people heard them coming, they would bow down and worship these women for the goddesses they were.  And it was like this for thousands of years. 

This was the MATRIARCHAL society that our husbands and boyfriends know nothing of.  But I do and I know you do too.  I do, because I feel it in my bones.  I feel in in my blood.  I feel the power when I walk, with every step of my powerful foot on this ground.  I feel it when I speak, write, have a purpose... this connection of what my DNA tells me I once was.  Like a feline, hidden in the bushes, eyes bright, waiting for the moment to pounce and take what's mine, my DNA tells me to swing my hips bigger, take up more space with my spirit, be unabashedly proud and happy for each and every personal victory, be charitable with my esteem, and go show it off.

It seems now, women are only seen as kicking ass or "successful" when they're doing a men's job (stockbroker, doctor, lawyer) but when a man comes into a traditionally woman's field such as childcare (which if you've never been an elementary school teacher, will ROCK YOUR WORLD.  IT IS BACK- BREAKING, TEAR-EVOKING WORK THAT WILL MAKE YOU WANT TO GO JUMP OFF A CLIFF AND ONCE YOU DO IT AND SEE SOMEONE HAVE FULL ON CONTROL OF THEIR KINDERGARTEN ROOM, YOU WILL THEN COMMENCE TO KISS THAT TEACHER'S FEET), he's seen as weaker, less masculine, falling behind.  Why?  Because religion has been telling us for thousands of years that women are inferior.  Psst... it's a lie.  They were just scared we would take over.

I give men credit for doing one thing- seeing how powerful women are and essentially creating a successful system that folded in on them, quashed their power.  Guys, that was pret-ty brainy back in the day.  However, that big, fat, heavy pendulum of society has been swinging back in our direction since... ooohh, 1920... ring a bell?  If not, ladies, you need to do your homework.  That means that pendulum has 91 years of momentum behind it. 

It's very plain to see, women are what make the world go 'round.  Just look at men-poor things.  Why do they strive to be the smartest, wealthiest, loudest, successful, drive the best car, know the most stuff?  To get the man?  Well that's another post, but the answer is NO.  To get the girl!  Because by themselves, what is all that stuff.  See women do the same thing but not to get a man.  We do it for ourselves. 

Maslow's Hierachy of Needs... look it up.  The last step is Self Actualization and if you look at the characteristics of Self Actualization:
-They embrace reality and facts rather than denying truth.
-They are spontaneous.
-They are 'focused on problems outside themselves'.
-They 'can accept their own human nature in the stoic style, with all its shortcomings', are similarly acceptant of others, and generally lack prejudice.

I'm probably going to get in trouble here, but women do these things exponentially better than men.  Just look at the economic crisis in the U.S.  Women are keeping their jobs and men... not so much.  Men have lost a whopping 4.75 million jobs in the U.S., while women have only lost 1.66 million.  And that's really where the crisis lies.  MEN are losing their jobs, and therefore are in jeopardy of losing what else???  You guessed it... women.  See, it's all a fight for us.  You!  

So raise your head up high, walk with a little more umph today, and when you speak, say what you're going to say with confidence and class.  Knowing that the world really does revolve around you.  (Ya, it does.)

I feel my inner goddess emerging- and she's gorgeous.  I want her to take over.  Leave the old me behind, with any doubt and disbelief.  I want her to be me ALL of the time.  

I love this quote from Einstein (not a woman, but I'll get to that)-
"I must be willing to give up what I am, to be what I will be."

Kristin, this one was for you.

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