Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Me So... Miso

Where I come from, chicken soup is the end-all, be-all of wellness.  If you're sick?  Chicken soup.  If you're tired?  Chicken soup.  If your pregnant?  Yep, chicken soup.  It even seems those country customs have caught on.  There's even the book "Chicken Soup for the __ Soul".  But I've never been crazy about chicken soup.  It's great and all, but it's laborious to make, and I don't do the can thing any longer.  So, my answer for replacing chicken soup on days like today is Miso.

You get it as a starter for your sushi, but did you know that this form of fermented soy is one of the only soy products that really is great for you?  Soy comes in so many forms now.  We've got Tofurkey products, a million types of tofu, and edamame (which even your pre-schoolers will love).  But soy has been so controversial lately.  Issues of it increasing estrogen, being related to certain types of cancel, being terrible to digest, and it being yet another product that ended up being a GMO.

I found a solution.  Non-GMO, Miso is literally like an anti-aging serum that you ingest.  I put 1 tbs. in a cup of hot water and sip when my tummy is upset or just as a very light snack.  Add to any soup, rice, quinoa, or as seasoning to any vegetables.

Here are some amazing benefits of Miso:

~Reduces risks of cancer including breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer.
~Protection from radiation
~Immune strengthening
~Antiviral -- miso is very alkalizing and strengthening to the immune system helping to combat a viral infection.
~Prevents aging - high in antioxidants, miso protects from free radicals that cause signs of aging.
~Helps maintain nutritional balance - full of nutrients, beneficial bacteria and enzymes, miso provides: protein,    vitamin B12, vitamin B2, vitamin E, vitamin K, tryptophan, choline, dietary fiber, linoleic acid and lecithin.
~Helps preserve beautiful skin - miso contains linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that helps your skin stay soft and free of pigments.
~Helps reduce menopausal complaints - the isoflavones in miso have been shown to reduce hot flashes.
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1 comment:

  1. Funny, I made Egg Drop soup for the first time Wednesday night. It's nothing special but I was really surprised how easy it was.
